Ego is the enemy of Good Leadership

I work with many C-suite Executives around the world all with egos, after all we all have an ego, some large, some not so large. I enjoyed reading the HBR article, this paragraph summed it up for me.

‘Finally, an inflated ego narrows our vision. The ego always looks for information that confirms what it wants to believe. Basically, a big ego makes us have a strong confirmation bias. Because of this, we lose perspective and end up in a leadership bubble where we only see and hear what we want to. As a result, we lose touch with the people we lead, the culture we are a part of, and ultimately our clients and stakeholders’

Of course with an inflated ego we can also make great things happen and inspire, motivate and drive people too 

This makes an interesting read 

Here is the link  Ego is the Enemy of Good Leadership



Author: Excellence in Leadership

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