Want to build great relationships? Then start by assuming positive intent

Read the article we have written for 2020visionleader.com: Want to build great relationships? Then start by assuming positive intent


Everyone is different. Everyone is their own unique person.

Just because they don’t think or feel like you, that doesn’t mean that they are wrong. People typically do the best they can. Rarely do people intentionally set out to annoy others or create conflict. If somebody says or does something that makes you feel tension, take a step back and look as objectively as possible on the situation. Assume that they have positive intent. If you only do one thing, let it be this one – assume positive intent.

The positive intent may not be clear to you as you don’t always have the full context or particular experience of the other person. They may have had something happen which has unsettled them, or they may be stressed or under pressure. We don’t always know what is going on in people’s life. However, just because it’s not easy to grasp what the positive intention is, it’s fair to assume there is one. 

I don’t believe that people wake up in the morning thinking “who can I treat poorly today?” Always assume positive intent.

Mary-Francis Winters

When we are intentionally curious and accepting of others, it’s easier to assume positive intent. Our mindset is shifted to a state where we want the best for the other person. We can then more easily be accepting of differing views – and see the value in them. And break down barriers, build relationships of trust, collaboration and courage – where we can make mistakes, learn and innovate, without being harshly judged for daring to try something new or maybe just daring to speak up and challenge.

My failures have been errors in judgment, not of intent.

Ulysses S Grant

Challenging, differing views, when seen with positive assumption, create better dialogue, more perspective and better solutions. 

Create the best possible relationships – assume positive intent.

With Elisabet Vinberg Hearn


Author: Excellence in Leadership

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