Top rating for The Team Formula – and as a thanks we give away 20 books

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We wrote The Team Formula because we’ve been team leaders too, sometimes struggling with some of the day to day aspects of leadership. We wanted to share our experience, both from the inside as leaders, and from the outside as consultants helping teams and leaders around the world, on how to lead a team in change- so that others could benefit too.

And we chose to write the book as a novel, rather than as a regular “how to” business book. We did this because we love stories and because we know that it’s sometimes so much easier to really grasp a subject when it’s made real through the acquaintance of the characters and the story itself.

And it’s very rewarding to recognise that so many readers like this unusual approach to business books.

The Team Formula is currently the no 4 Leadership book (out of 35.551) on Amazon UK. This is great, great news!

So as a way of saying thanks to all of you out there who have read our book, we want to give away 20 books to the first 20 people to contact us. Please send us an email on and let us know who you would like to send a copy of the book to and we will do that. We’ll send these 20 books out on a first come, first serve basis – so if you want one for your colleague/friend/manager etc please contact us asap.

Thanks for reading,
Elisabet and Mandy

Author: Excellence in Leadership

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