The game you never want to play + more in the February issue of IMPACT

Welcome to the February issue of impact!

January is already in the rear mirror and the spring is around the corner for us who live in the northern hemisphere, which is always a great feeling.

This month we turn our attention to how we can work successfully with people who are different to ourselves, the ‘game’ to avoid at work and why the ethos of Alexandre Dumas’ musketeers is at the heart of collaboration at work.

We also share our second monthly IMPACT HACKS (quick, practical tips for great impact), this time on the topic of leadership job interviews.

And there’s a story about how we all look at the world in our own particular way.

You can download it here, and read it online on ISSUU here.

Thanks for reading and thanks for all the great feedback we’ve been receiving from readers – it means a lot to us.

Mandy and Elisabet

Author: Excellence in Leadership

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