Is it ok to be vulnerable at work?

In The Team Formula, Stephen and his team are “forced” to let their guard down, to show some of their vulnerability to their team members, especially as they progress through the maze. It’s not easy or straightforward but once they get into it they start to gel as a team on a whole new level. They become much stronger as a team as a result, and can move ahead with new focus and heightened cooperation.

We have both done this at work too, and know from experience how powerful it can be, and how it’s mostly received with appreciation and is actually perceived as a sign of strength. This would be true as long as we wouldn’t see it as a weakness ourselves, as others would pick up on that and then see it as a weakness too. What we think and feel, other people can pick up on, it’s surprisingly effective how we display to the world what is going on on the inside…. This is true for everyone.

The value of showing vulnerability, although it can feel scary at first, is supported by this article in HBR. It gives plenty of food for thought about creating an open and accepting work culture, where people dare to let their guard down.

Please read it and let us know what your thoughts on the subject are. Have you shown vulnerability and how did it go? Have you seen anyone else do it and if so, how did you react to that, how did it make you feel? What are the opportunities and what are the challenges with vulnerability in the workplace? What is needed for it to be seen as the show of strength that it ultimately is?

Thanks for reading
Elisabet and Mandy

Author: Excellence in Leadership

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