Impact – A Leadership Magazine

Welcome to IMPACT A Leadership Magazine

You can read March 2023 magazine online here




Please scroll down below the magazine covers to get to the magazines.





















 Issue 2 August 2020 


Our bi-monthly leadership magazine IMPACT is now into its third year – the first issue was released July 2020.

This compact, bi-monthly magazine contains articles, both previously published and new ones, along with the occasional business story.

You can download the issues here

2020: JulyAugustSeptember, October,  November, December

2021:  January, February,  March,  April,  May, June,   July

September,  November

2022: January and February , March and April, June and July

August and September,  October and November, December 

2023: March

You can also read the issues online on ISSUU

2020: July AugustSeptember,  October ,  November, December

2021: January, FebruaryMarch,  April,  May, June,  July September 


2022: January and February, March and April,  June and July

 August and September, October and November,  December

2023: March March
