Have you got the busy bug?

If you ask the average person, how you doing? Most people right now will say, I’m busy.

? Why do they equate themselves with being busy?
Busy implies that they are doing a lot of activity, and a lot of activity most people equate with professional #success.

? In other words, if I’m busy, I have more self worth.
See, this is just a perception. Busy can also be seen as another word for #ineffective.

? Your success is not determined by the amount of activity that you’re performing, but what you’re achieving with the time that you are spending, and how much free time you have to enjoy those results.

? Imagine Person A works 100 hours a week to get that income. Person B works 40 hours a week. Which one is the greater success?
The answer is obvious.

? If you can achieve a high level of success and get great results by working less hours that’s much more favorable.

? Start by focusing on the #results that you’re achieving, not the activity.
Take a step back and think about it – and that is a golden advice even from some of the wealthiest and successful people.


Author: Excellence in Leadership

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