Dare to dream Part 1
Dare to dream Part 1! Future Leaders Blog – Wearethecity.com – 02 September 2016
Now you are back at work after the holiday season, be sure to still make time to dream.
While on holiday you may have indulged in reflection time that allowed you the freedom to open your mind and dream about the future. Lots of people come up with their best ideas and inspirations when they are away from the “everyday” routine.
Dreams are wonderful things. When we dream about something, we connect with it emotionally and that emotional connection (when strong enough) can move mountains.
So now we are back at work lets keep that going. We all need that reflection time to allow us to be creative generally as well as being creative for ourselves.
We can and should dare to dream – to really use that power of attraction that strong dreams have on us.
Most organisations have a clear relationship between Vision, Strategies and Plans.
We can do the same for our personal dreams and ambitions. We can work out our:-
• Vision – An aspirational and appealing PICTURE of the future (Dream to help to create it)
• Strategies – A logic for “how “ the vision (dream) can be achieved
• Plans – Specific steps and timetables to implement the strategies
So how does dreaming work for us?
It is simply about allowing ourselves to open up to all sorts of possibilities. Not being constrained by what we have and who we are today. There have been so many great stories in the recent Olympics about how medal winners dreamt of winning in their sport. They dreamt it, and at the time they dreamt it, it may have seemed unrealistic but they held onto their vision/dream of what they wanted to achieve and step-by-step they came closer until the medal was won.
We all have the ability to dream and create our life the way we want it.
Sometimes it seems too out of our reach and that can then hold us back or even stop us. The trick here is to break it down into achievable milestones and take it step-by-step.
So get dreaming. Dream big.
Martin Luther King said “I have a dream!”
He did not say “I have a strategic plan”
The strategic plan comes later though – and we’ll get back to that in a future blog – and get more practical about your dreams.
About the authors
Mandy Flint & Elisabet Vinberg Hearn, award-winning authors of ”The Team Formula”.
Their latest book ”Leading Teams – 10 Challenges: 10 Solutions” is out now, published by Financial Times International.
Praise for ”Leading Teams: ”This book is a 21st-century guide on how to build a world-class team. I highly recommend it” Steve Siebold, Founder, Mental Toughness University, Florida USA.